R22 Phase Out

Back in the year 2000, the European Union changed regulations which related to the use of R22 gas – traditionally used in air conditioning units. Research suggested that this particular gas contributed significantly to the depletion of the o-zone. Therefore, regulation was passed to phase out the use of R22 gas, with a complete ban on its use coming into place in 2015.

So, from 2015, the use of R22 gas in air conditioning units will be illegal.

If you have an air conditioning unit which currently relies on the use of R22 gas, the time to act is now. The likelihood is that, if you have bought an air conditioning unit within the past 5 years, you will be aware that use of the gas to top up units has been banned since 2010. The ban which comes into place in 2015 will seek to tie up the loose ends of the current legislation, ensuring that recycled fluid can no longer be used either.

R22 RefrigerantThis is big news for air conditioning unit owners, as they will of course be expected to comply with the regulations when they come into full force in 2015. In place of the outgoing R22 gas, air conditioning units will instead be expected to use R410a gas, the environmental effects of which are less detrimental.

We recognise that the incoming regulations will have a big impact on a great number of companies and organisations across Britain, If these changes affect your business or organisation, and you are unsure about the correct measures to take in order to effectively deal with the implications of the changes, then we can offer you the expert advice you need.

Just call us today on 0800 211 8270 for expert advice on how best to prepare your business for the upcoming regulatory changes concerning R22 gas.

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